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1、 The reign of terror in the western hills, or stories of the persecution of Chinese Christians in Shansi in 1900

AuthorEdwards, E H DescriptionReprinted from the Shanghai Mercury In volume lettered: China and the Chinese Pamphlets Volume 41 Publisher[Shanghai] : Printed at the Shanghai Mercury SubjectMissionaries and Christianity; Rebellion and Revolu...


更多: 籍合网 万方学术-重庆图书馆 中国县志大全 京东 国图▪文津 统计年鉴分享平台

2、 Missionary operations in China

AuthorAlexander, James W DescriptionIn volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 37 SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 37, Pamphlet 11, Wason Pamphlet Collectio...


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3、 Thrilling experiences of C.I.M. missionaries in Chihli, by Mr & Mrs Green

AuthorGreen, Charles H S DescriptionReprinted from the Shanghai Mercury In volume lettered: China and the Chinese Pamphlets Volume 41 Publisher[Shanghai] : Printed at the Shanghai Mercury SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Publ...


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4、 The Rev. William C. Burns, missionary to China

DescriptionReligious Tract Society Biographical Series No 1025 In volume lettered: China and the Chinese: a collection of pamphlets relating thereto Volume 37 PublisherLondon : The Religious Tract Society SubjectMissionaries and Christianit...


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5、 Jubilee papers of the Central China Presbyterian Mission, 1844-1894: Comprising historical sketches of the mission stations at Ningpo, Shanghai, Hangchow, Soochow and Nanking, with a sketch of the Presbyterian mission press

AbstractIntroduction signed: J C Garritt Essays by various authors DescriptionIn volume lettered: China and the Chinese Pamphlets Volume 32 PublisherShanghai : Printed at the American Presbyterian Mission Press SubjectMissionaries and Chris...


更多: 万方学术-重庆图书馆 万方数据 Worldcat 国图 全国报刊索引 知网万方

6、 Report on the China mission of the London Missionary Society

AuthorMullens, Joseph, 1820-1879 DescriptionPreservation photocopy No 4 in a volume with binder s title: China and the Chinese Pamphlets, v 24 PublisherLondon : Printed by W Stephens SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published...


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7、 Authentick Memoirs of the Christian Church in China

Authorde Mosheim, John Laurence AbstractBeing a series of facts to evidence the causes of the declension of Christianity in that empire DescriptionIn volume lettered: China and the Chinese Pamphlets Volume 28 PublisherLondon : J and R Tonso...


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8、 Report on the China missions of the Presbyterian Board of Foreign Missions

AuthorSpeer, Robert Elliott, 1867-1947 DescriptionSecond edition In volume lettered: Pamphlets on China, 23 PublisherNew York : Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U S A SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previousl...


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9、 Eleventh annual report of the Society for the Diffusion of Christian & General Knowledge among the Chinese, for the year ending 31st October, 1898

AuthorSociety for the Diffusion of Christian &; General Knowledge among the Chinese DescriptionIn volume lettered: Pamphlets on China, 23 PublisherShanghai : Printed at the North-China herald Office SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Prev...


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10、 Occasional missionary paper

AuthorForeign Committee, Protestant Episcopal Church DescriptionIn volume lettered: Pamphlets relating to China Volume 19 PublisherNew York SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 19, Pamphlet 7, Wason Pamphlet Co...


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11、 China Native Converts - True or False?

AuthorTaylor, James Hudson, 1832-1905 DescriptionDetached from unidentified periodical In volume lettered: Miscellaneous on China SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 14, Pamphlet 22-25, Wason Pamphlet Collecti...


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12、 Hebrew prayers used by the Jews in China

AuthorLondon Society for Promoting Christianity amongst the Jews DescriptionDetached from Jewish Intelligence , volume 19, January, 1853 In volume lettered: Miscellaneous on China Publisher[London] SubjectMissionaries and Christianity; Fait...


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13、 China: its creeds and customs: with reference to missionary labours

AuthorPhilip, Robert, 1791-1858 DescriptionIn volume lettered: Pamphlet relating to China Volume 10 SubjectMissionaries and Christianity; Faith and Philosophy; General Histories and Surveys Previously Published AsVolume 10, Pamphlet 7, Waso...


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14、 Ancient symbolism among the Chinese

AuthorEdkins, Joseph, 1823-1905 DescriptionRead before the Shanghai Y M C A , and stereotyped from the columns of the Messenger , volume 2, nos 7, 8 and 9 In volume lettered: Pamphlets relating to China Volume 10 PublisherLondon, Shanghai :...


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15、 China

AuthorAmerican Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions AbstractI , Claims upon Christians in America II , Social Condition III , Openings for Christian effort IV , Changes in China V , Missionary statistics VI , Our work DescriptionIn v...


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16、 Why Protestant missionaries in China should unite in using the term Tien Chu for God

AuthorBlodgett, Henry, 1825-1903 DescriptionIn volume lettered: Pamphlets relating to China Volume 10 SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 10, Pamphlet 2, Wason Pamphlet Collection, Cornell University Library T...


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17、 A man of God approved in Christ: a sermon commemorative of the life of the Rt. Rev. William Jones Boone, preached in Calvary Church, New York, January 29, 1865

AuthorStevens, William Bacon, Bp , 1815-1887 DescriptionIn volume lettered: Pamphlets relating to China Volume 5 PublisherPhiladelphia : Sherman & Co SubjectMissionaries and Christianity Previously Published AsVolume 5, Pamphlet 4, Wason Pa...


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18、 The story of our country parish in China

AuthorSmith, Arthur Henderson, 1845-1932 DescriptionAt head of title: American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions [Printed, not published] Signed: A H S [No 1] in volume lettered: Pamphlets relating to China Volume 7 PublisherBosto...


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20、 The Bible in China

AuthorWylie, Alexander, 1815-1887 DescriptionRead at the quarterly missionary meeting in Union Chapel Shanghai, in April, 1868 In volume lettered: Pamphlets relating to China volume 1 Publisher[Shanghai] SubjectMissionaries and Christianity...


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