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7、 27卷4期 庚辛之際趨新士人的時局因應── 偏於「言」的部分 2016

庚子事變之際 華北戰事方興 而東南各省與列強議約互保 自處局外 如魯迅觀察到:「群乃知政府不足與圖治 頓有掊擊之意矣 」「群」指士大夫 而一些封疆大吏與士人看法相類 遂有「東南互保」出現 本文關心者在於 如果說趨新士人與疆吏存在某種共識 那麼「相類」者為何 邊際在哪裡 在總體以「抗命」為特徵的政治選擇中 士人如何擺放「社稷」與「列強」的位置 在1900年這一具有轉折意味的年份 士人思考的承前者、啟後者又分別為何 督撫和趨新士人在「互保」一點上達成暫時共識 但在後者應對時局的設...


更多: 京东 Worldcat 国图 国图▪文津 籍合网 中国县志大全 知网万方

8、 07卷1期 The Positions of the Southern Ming Regimes in Chinese History: Views of Emperor Kao-tsung of the Ch’ing Dynasty 1996

Ever since the Manchus entered into China proper, the Manchu rulers had been consistently trying hard to claim their ruling of the country as legitimate They stressed that the peasant rebels had already brought the Ming dynasty to an end be...


更多: 知网万方 国图 Worldcat 籍合网 万方学术-重庆图书馆 孔夫子旧书网 上海图书馆 万方数据 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台

9、 09卷4期 Edward Palmer Thompson and Dorothy Thompson, and Their Socialist-Humanist Approach to the Study of British Social History 1998

Edward P and Dorothy Thompson, as distinguished British Marxist historians, majored in labor and social history from early eighteenth century to the mid-nineteenth century They were also active in social reforms and peace movements This pap...


更多: 上海图书馆 孔夫子旧书网 全国报刊索引 新华文摘 籍合网 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 统计年鉴分享平台

10、 15卷2期 The Reason for the Nude: Questions Concerning Nude Figure Drawing in China at the Beginning of the Twentieth Century 2004

When Western painting was introduced to China, representation of the human body was perhaps the area most capable of provoking tensions between the individual and the collective Such tensions had two sources The first was the tension betwee...


更多: 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 新华文摘 籍合网 知网万方 国图▪文津 Worldcat

12、 20卷1期 The History of the Book in Late Imperial China: A Review Article 2009

The cultural history of the book in late imperial China has received much attention in recent years Inspired by scholarship on Western history, researchers from Taiwan, Japan, Europe, and especially America have tried to investigate Chinese...


更多: 孔夫子旧书网 国图▪文津 中国县志大全 万方学术-重庆图书馆 上海图书馆 维普网 万方数据 全国报刊索引 Worldcat 国图

13、 19卷4期 Early Tang Thought as Seen in Epitaphs 2008

With the continuous publication of epitaphs from the Tang era in recent years, this type of material has gained considerable importance in research on Tang history Yet mainly owing to the epitaph’s eulogistic nature, scholars have...


更多: 上海图书馆 国图▪文津 万方学术-重庆图书馆 统计年鉴分享平台 万方数据 新华文摘 知网万方 孔夫子旧书网 中国县志大全 籍合网 Worldcat 京东 国图 全国报刊索引

14、 23卷1期 Rethinking Chinese Art Historiography: The Changing Meanings of “Art” and the D evelopment of Studies of Architecture and Sculpture 2012

This article attempts to rethink the foundations of Chinese art historiography from a historical perspective This article uses two terms, “fine arts” ( meishu or yishu ) and “art” ( yishu ), as a poin...


更多: Worldcat 上海图书馆 国图▪文津 全国报刊索引 中国县志大全 统计年鉴分享平台 新华文摘 京东

15、 28卷3期 Monks and Monasteries in Jiankang in the Liang and Chen Dynasties: A Study of the Hou Jing Uprising 2017

During the Southern Liang dynasty, the city of Jiankang housed more than seven hundred monasteries Lectures on Buddhist doctrine prevailed, and the development of Buddhism prospered Yet the rebellion of Hou Jing brought chaos to the late Li...


更多: Worldcat 全国报刊索引 国图▪文津 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 新华文摘 万方学术-重庆图书馆 维普网 国图 万方数据 上海图书馆 中国县志大全 统计年鉴分享平台 京东

17、 31卷3期 The National Defense Plans of the Nationalist Government’s General Staff Headquarters and Their Early Execution (1929-1937) 2020

How did the National Revolutionary Army prepare itself in the face of the full-scale outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War What were Chiang Kai-shek’s military plans These issues have long occupied scholars This article seeks a new pa...


更多: 孔夫子旧书网 国图 万方学术-重庆图书馆 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 万方数据 全国报刊索引 京东

18、 11卷2期 鏡中美女──從江戶時代的化妝書看美容意識的變遷 2000

本文主旨在探討十九世紀以來出現在日本的身體與美的新意識──即筆者所謂「身體改革」──的現象 直到十八世紀末葉 日本民眾仍認為他們與生俱來的身體儘管費多大功夫 都是不可能改變的 相對而言 女性被教導應當在人類本質基本是善的審美規範下 改善她們的道德特質 然而 一種新的觀念在十八世紀末葉開始盛行起來 <br />藉著化妝和藥品把身體改造得更有價值是其中一種想法 這種身體改革的想法 普及於平民女性是十九世紀前後的社會的現象 這在江戶時代後期的經濟發展和都市社會的成熟得到...


更多: 上海图书馆 万方数据 中国县志大全 知网万方 抗日战争与近代中日关系文献数据平台 全国报刊索引 Worldcat 京东