1、 中国周辺海域発见地図(Carte des decouvertes faites en 1787 dans les Mer de Chine et de Tartarie)(中国周边海域地图) [Paris, 1797年]

铜版无彩 56 0×75 0cm No 63〜68は、フランスの探検家ラ・ペルーズ伯爵(Jean Francois de Galoup, Comte de La Perouse)が1787年に行った东アジア海域の探検结果を示したもので、Milet-Mureauの刊行した"Voyage de La Perouse autour du monde"(1797)に所载の図版である この図は书籍中のNo 43にあたる図版で、中国沿岸からマリアナ诸岛までを含む西北太平洋の広い海域を示し...


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2、 中国海(西北)China Sea. Sheet III (North West), Cam Ranh Bay to Hong Kong London : Published at the Admiralty under the Superintendemce of Capt. Washington R.N.F.R.S. Hydrographer : Sold by J.D. Potter, Agent for the Admiralty Charts 31 Poultry and 11 King Street Tower Hill


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8、 中国东部海岸图China, east coast : Yellow Sea and Gulf of Pe-chili London : Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty : sold by J.D. Potter, agent for the sale of the Admiralty charts, 31 Poultry and King St., Tower Hill, 18


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10、 中国海地图China Sea : Banka Strait London : Published at the Admiralty 4th June 1858, under the Superintendence of Captn. Washington, R.N. F.R.S. Hydrographer : Sold by J.D. Potter agent for the Admiralty charts 31 Poultry and 11 King


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11、 中国海地图The China Sea London : Published according to Act of Parliament at the Hydrographic Office of the Admiralty May 20th. 1840 : Sold by J.D. Potter Agent for the Admiralty charts 31 Poultry & 11 King St. Tower Hill, 1


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12、 中国海地图China Sea Sheet 1st. [London] : Published according to Act of Parliament by James Horsburgh 1st Jan y. 1806, 1815


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13、 中国海地图China Sea. Sheet II (South East), Bruit River to Calamian Island 1859 London : Published at the Admiralty 22nd Sepr. 1859 under the superintendence of Capt. Washington R.N. F.R.S. Hydrographer, 1859


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18、 中国海图China sea Admiralty , 1863 

2 maps : col ; 101 x 127 cm and 101 x 122 cm ...


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20、 登州府蓬莱県正北庙岛海峡・黄海北西部海洋岛锚地 [明治]刊

法量(cm) 34 6×20 5 形质 铜版、折仕立 印记 “东京帝室博物馆図书之印”“记录局管理大蔵省図书之记”(“大蔵省消印”) 备考 “大日本海军水路寮”・“第四拾一号”とあり...


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