1、 A banquet hosted by the Jin-Cha-Ji Military Command Headquarters (晉察冀軍區司令部宴請軍調處三人小組)


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2、 Anti-Japanese wall painting (抗戰壁畫)


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3、 Artillery exercise (炮兵演習)


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4、 Botanist Chen Fengtong speaking at the First Consultative Council meeting (植物學家陳風桐講話)


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5、 Children performing at the liberation celebration (小學生在祝捷會上勞軍)


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6、 Defender of the homeland (保衛國土,保衛家鄉)


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7、 Diligent and thrifty (勤儉)


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8、 Dr. Bethune sunbathing (白求恩在日光浴)


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9、 General Nie Rongzhen directing the Anti-Encirclement Campaign on the frontline (聶榮臻在八路軍前線指揮秋季反圍攻)


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10、 Light and convenient printing machine invented by technicians of the Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial (晉察冀畫報社印刷廠技師工人創制的輕便平版印刷機,曾得政府獎勵)


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11、 Lu Xun with young woodcut artists at the Second National Traveling Woodcut Exhibition (魯迅與青年木刻家在第二屆全國木刻流動展覽會)


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12、 Lu Xun with young woodcut artists at the Second National Traveling Woodcut Exhibition (魯迅與青年木刻家在第二屆全國木刻流動展覽會)


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13、 Making copperplate for the inaugural issue of the Jin-Cha-Ji Pictorial (《晉察冀畫報》創刊號制銅版)


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14、 Marching into enemy territory (八路軍騎兵挺進敵後)


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15、 Photo exhibition about the First Consultative Council of the Jin-Cha-Ji Border Region (晉察冀邊區第一屆參議會圖片展覽)


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16、 Reading administrative program announcement (群眾看「雙十施政綱領」)


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17、 Running race during the First Student Games of the Jin-Cha-Ji Border Region (賽跑——晉察冀邊區第一屆學生運動會在河北平山滹沱河畔舉行)


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18、 Sparrow tactics among guerrilla, 1940 (游擊隊麻雀戰, 1940年)


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19、 The Eighth Route Army Reclaiming barren land during the Great Production Campaign (大生產運動,八路軍部隊開荒)


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20、 The troops were dressed in coat "sent" by the enemies (八路軍勇士們身穿敵人送來的大衣)


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