

Het in kaart brengen van de verwerking van 3D vormen in de makaak aap: een gecombineerde fMRI en single-cell studie

By combining fMRI and electrophysiological recordings within the same monkeys we tried to obtain more insight in the parietal cortical areas sensitive t...
I Van Dromme 被引量:  0

Evaluatie van de milieu-impact van WArrelnet- en boomKOrvisserij op het Belgisch deel van de Noordzee (WAKO). Eindrapport

The project WAKO wants to give a first attempt to map the current knowledge and the knowledge gaps on the effects of trammel net and beam trawl fisherie...
J DepesteleW CourtensS Degraer , ... -  《Open Repository》  -  被引量:  7  -  2008年

Het meten van kerkelijke betrokkenheid Een reactie op de religieuze kaart van Nederland van het CBS

In September 2014 Statistics Netherlands (CBS) presented a religious map of the Netherlands. This map received criticism for the way in which different groups of Protestants were classified and for the absence of non-organized religio...
J Kregting  -  《Religie En Samen...  -  被引量:  0  -  2014年

Shared HLA class II-associated genetic susceptibility and resistance, related to the HLA-DQB1 gene, in IgA deficiency and common var...

Olerup O, Smith CIE, Bjorkander J, Hammarstrom L. Shared HLA class II-associated genetic susceptibility and resistance, related to the HLA-DQB1 gene, ...
... SmithC.I. , ... -  《Proceedings of t...  -  被引量:  211  -  1992年
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Biogenesis of extracellular microfibrils: Multimerization of the fibrillin-1 C terminus into bead-like structures enables self-assem...

Microfibrils are essential elements in elastic and nonelastic tissues contributing to homeostasis and growth factor regulation. Fibrillins form the core...
... EI El-HallousV NeleaMT Kaartinen , ... -  《Proceedings of t...  -  被引量:  175  -  2008年
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Enzyme replacement therapy in a mouse model of aspartylglycosaminuria

Aspartylglycosaminuria (AGU), the most common lysosomal disorder of glycoprotein degradation, is caused by deficient activity of glycosylasparaginase (A...
... V KaartinenP ValtonenE Väänänen , ... -  《Faseb Journal Of...  -  被引量:  107  -  2000年

Composite β-κ-casein genotypes and their effect on composition and coagulation of milk from Estonian Holstein cows

The objective of this study was to estimate the effect of composite β-κ-CN genotypes on milk coagulation and composition traits, and on the additive g...
... T KaartI. JouduE. Paerna  -  《Journal of Dairy...  -  被引量:  27  -  2012年
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Regulation of B-Cell Populations

B cells carry antigen-specific receptors in the form of surface-bound immunoglobulin, which has a uniform antigen-binding capacity for any one B cell. As the body has the potential to produce specific antibodies in response to a vast ...
ICM MaclennanS OldfieldYJ Liu , ... -  《Current Topics i...  -  被引量:  27  -  1989年

Application of Near Field Communication for Health Monitoring in Daily Life

We study the possibility of applying an emerging RFID-based communication technology, NFC (Near Field Communication), to health monitoring. We suggest t...
E StrömmerJ KaartinenJ Pärkkä , ... -  Conference procee...  -  被引量:  18  -  2016年

Prospectief en evaluerend onderzoek in het kader van het Sigmaplan: een intensieve exploitatie van de alluviale zone van de Wijmeers...

a b s t r a c t Several alluvial areas in the Lower Scheldt basin (LSB) have been subjected to geo-archaeological surveys and excavations in light of ti...
E MeylemansY PerdaenF Bogemans , ... -  被引量:  2  -  2009年

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